While I am waiting on a replacement board from Pierre (black screen flaw, bummer!) I wrapped up my other little project, building an NES Mini! This uses the RetroFlag case for the Raspberry Pi 3, an 8bitdo NES30 Pro for controls, an 8bitdo cube for audio, and a cheap 19 inch Gateway monitor (only 720p, but good enough for my needs, and only runs 50 bucks online). Using a 128GB micro SD card with Hyperpie installed, than slammed all my roms and media files on there for a smooth looking system.
The case also has an SD storage compartment on the bottom, so I have a second card as well, just an 8 gig card, but it is set up to run a theme for Attract Mode that is an exact copy of the NES Classic look on the small one that Nintendo made, except it contains the entire NES library. I only set it up with box artwork to make it fit on an 8 gig card, but it completes the look if one wants to just go NES, or they can use the 128 GB card to play anything from the 2600 all the way to PSX games!
Also, a cool feature on this case is that the power and reset buttons work, they aren't just there for show, it has a functional power LED, and under the lid is an additional 2 USB ports and an ethernet port.