1. log into RetroStone2 via SSH as the user pi (password pi, btw: root password is orangepie)
2. make a new pico8 theme (based on the amiga theme)
Code: Select all
cd /etc/emulationstation
sudo mkdir themes/gbz35/pico8
sudo cp themes/gbz35/amiga/theme.xml themes/gbz35/pico8/theme.xml
Code: Select all
sudo nano themes/gbz35/pico8/theme.xml
Code: Select all
<view name="system, basic, detailed, video">
<image name="logo">
Code: Select all
sudo nano -w /etc/emulationstation/es_systems.cfg
Code: Select all
<extension>.sh .SH</extension>
<command>/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/runcommand.sh 0 "/home/pi/pico-8/pico8_dyn -splore"</command>
Code: Select all
unzip pico-8_0.2.0i_raspi.zip
Code: Select all
touch "/home/pi/pico-8/+Start PICO-8.sh"
Code: Select all
mkdir /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/pico-8
Code: Select all
nano /home/pi/.lexaloffle/pico-8/config.txt
Code: Select all
// Location of pico-8's root folder
root_path /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/pico-8/
Code: Select all
nano /home/pi/RetroPie/retropiemenu/RetrOrangePi/Background_Music/bgmusic.py
Code: Select all
#TODO: Fill in all of the current RetroPie Emulator process names in this list
emulatornames = ["drastic","kodi.bin"..."tyr-quake","quake2", "pico8_dyn"]
9. Reboot.