Optional buttons C and Z activation

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Optional buttons C and Z activation

Post by Admin »

Hi guys,
I just found out that on current version of Retrorangepi the optional buttons C and Z are commented in the gamepad driver script.

If you want to use them you need to un-comment (remove the # in front of the lines) the lines 23 and 26 of the python script :

Resulting script should be (you can replace the content of the file with this one) :

Code: Select all

#!/usr/bin/env python

import evdev
import uinput
from time import sleep
from evdev import InputDevice, KeyEvent, UInput, AbsInfo, ecodes as e
from pyA20.gpio import gpio
from pyA20.gpio import port
from pyA20.gpio import connector

DZONE = 200 # dead zone applied to joystick (mV)
VREF = 1350 # joystick Vcc (mV)
JOYOFFVAL = 2000 # Value read when joystick is not connected.

events = ([
#		uinput.BTN_THUMBL,
#		uinput.BTN_THUMBR,
		uinput.ABS_X + (0,VREF,0,0),
		uinput.ABS_Y + (0,VREF,0,0),

gamepad = uinput.Device(events,"RetroStone2 Controle",0x00)

gamepad.emit(uinput.ABS_X, VREF/2, syn=False)
gamepad.emit(uinput.ABS_Y, VREF/2)

#--------------- define botoes -----------------
	# ---- BRIGHTNESS CONTROL ---------#
button_plus = port.PC18
button_minus = port.PC22

	# ---- PLAYER 1 ---------#
bt_up_p1 = port.PH19
bt_down_p1 = port.PH7
bt_left_p1 = port.PH4
bt_right_p1 = port.PH16

bt_l_p1 = port.PH23
bt_x_p1 = port.PH12
bt_y_p1 = port.PH20
bt_r_p1 = port.PH22
bt_b_p1 = port.PH11
bt_a_p1 = port.PH0

bt_select_p1 = port.PH15
bt_start_p1 = port.PH14

bt_left_trigger_p1 = port.PH27
bt_right_trigger_p1 = port.PH26

#optional buttons
bt_c_p1 = port.PH3
bt_z_p1 = port.PH13

#--------------------------------Initialize module. Always called first

gpio.setcfg(button_plus, gpio.INPUT)
gpio.pullup(button_plus, gpio.PULLUP)

gpio.setcfg(button_minus, gpio.INPUT)
gpio.pullup(button_minus, gpio.PULLUP)

gpio.setcfg(bt_up_p1, gpio.INPUT)
gpio.pullup(bt_up_p1, gpio.PULLUP)

gpio.setcfg(bt_down_p1, gpio.INPUT)
gpio.pullup(bt_down_p1, gpio.PULLUP)

gpio.setcfg(bt_left_p1, gpio.INPUT)
gpio.pullup(bt_left_p1, gpio.PULLUP)

gpio.setcfg(bt_right_p1, gpio.INPUT)
gpio.pullup(bt_right_p1, gpio.PULLUP)

gpio.setcfg(bt_l_p1, gpio.INPUT)
gpio.pullup(bt_l_p1, gpio.PULLUP)

gpio.setcfg(bt_x_p1, gpio.INPUT)
gpio.pullup(bt_x_p1, gpio.PULLUP)

gpio.setcfg(bt_y_p1, gpio.INPUT)
gpio.pullup(bt_y_p1, gpio.PULLUP)

gpio.setcfg(bt_r_p1, gpio.INPUT)
gpio.pullup(bt_r_p1, gpio.PULLUP)

gpio.setcfg(bt_b_p1, gpio.INPUT)
gpio.pullup(bt_b_p1, gpio.PULLUP)

gpio.setcfg(bt_a_p1, gpio.INPUT)
gpio.pullup(bt_a_p1, gpio.PULLUP)

gpio.setcfg(bt_c_p1, gpio.INPUT)
gpio.pullup(bt_c_p1, gpio.PULLUP)

gpio.setcfg(bt_z_p1, gpio.INPUT)
gpio.pullup(bt_z_p1, gpio.PULLUP)

gpio.setcfg(bt_select_p1, gpio.INPUT)
gpio.pullup(bt_select_p1, gpio.PULLUP)

gpio.setcfg(bt_start_p1, gpio.INPUT)
gpio.pullup(bt_start_p1, gpio.PULLUP)

gpio.setcfg(bt_left_trigger_p1, gpio.INPUT)
gpio.pullup(bt_left_trigger_p1, gpio.PULLUP)

gpio.setcfg(bt_right_trigger_p1, gpio.INPUT)
gpio.pullup(bt_right_trigger_p1, gpio.PULLUP)

_bt_up_p1 = False
_bt_down_p1 = False
_bt_left_p1 = False
_bt_right_p1 = False
_bt_a_p1 = False
_bt_b_p1 = False
_bt_x_p1 = False
_bt_y_p1 = False
_bt_c_p1 = False
_bt_z_p1 = False
_bt_l_p1 = False
_bt_r_p1 = False
_bt_select_p1 = False
_bt_start_p1 = False
_bt_left_trigger_p1 = False
_bt_right_trigger_p1 = False

while True:
	#------ brightness control -----------#		
#bt plus =====================
	if gpio.input(button_plus) == 0:
		f=open("/sys/class/backlight/backlight/actual_brightness", "r")
		brightness = int(f.read())
		if brightness < 100:
			brightness = brightness + 1
			f2=open("/sys/class/backlight/backlight/brightness", "w")
#bt minus =====================

	if gpio.input(button_minus) == 0:
		f=open("/sys/class/backlight/backlight/actual_brightness", "r")
		brightness = int(f.read())
		if brightness > 0:
			brightness = brightness - 1
			f2=open("/sys/class/backlight/backlight/brightness", "w")

	#------ player 1 -----------#		

####DIRECTIONS P1 ###########################

#bt up =====================
	if (not _bt_up_p1) and (gpio.input(bt_up_p1) == 0):
		_bt_up_p1 = True
		gamepad.emit(uinput.BTN_DPAD_UP, 1)	
	if (_bt_up_p1) and (gpio.input(bt_up_p1) == 1):
		_bt_up_p1 = False
		gamepad.emit(uinput.BTN_DPAD_UP, 0)
#bt down =====================
	if (not _bt_down_p1) and (gpio.input(bt_down_p1) == 0):
		_bt_down_p1 = True
		gamepad.emit(uinput.BTN_DPAD_DOWN, 1)	
	if (_bt_down_p1) and (gpio.input(bt_down_p1) == 1):
		_bt_down_p1 = False
		gamepad.emit(uinput.BTN_DPAD_DOWN, 0)
#bt left =====================
	if (not _bt_left_p1) and (gpio.input(bt_left_p1) == 0):
		_bt_left_p1 = True
		gamepad.emit(uinput.BTN_DPAD_LEFT, 1)	
	if (_bt_left_p1) and (gpio.input(bt_left_p1) == 1):
		_bt_left_p1 = False
		gamepad.emit(uinput.BTN_DPAD_LEFT, 0)
#bt right =====================
	if (not _bt_right_p1) and (gpio.input(bt_right_p1) == 0):
		_bt_right_p1 = True
		gamepad.emit(uinput.BTN_DPAD_RIGHT, 1)	
	if (_bt_right_p1) and (gpio.input(bt_right_p1) == 1):
		_bt_right_p1 = False
		gamepad.emit(uinput.BTN_DPAD_RIGHT, 0)

#bt a =====================
	if (not _bt_a_p1) and (gpio.input(bt_a_p1) == 0):
		_bt_a_p1 = True
		gamepad.emit(uinput.BTN_A, 1)	
	if (_bt_a_p1) and (gpio.input(bt_a_p1) == 1):
		_bt_a_p1 = False
		gamepad.emit(uinput.BTN_A, 0)	
#bt b =====================

	if (not _bt_b_p1) and (gpio.input(bt_b_p1) == 0):
		_bt_b_p1 = True
		gamepad.emit(uinput.BTN_B, 1)	
	if (_bt_b_p1) and (gpio.input(bt_b_p1) == 1):
		_bt_b_p1 = False
		gamepad.emit(uinput.BTN_B, 0)	

#bt X =====================

	if (not _bt_x_p1) and (gpio.input(bt_x_p1) == 0):
		_bt_x_p1 = True
		gamepad.emit(uinput.BTN_X, 1)	
	if (_bt_x_p1) and (gpio.input(bt_x_p1) == 1):
		_bt_x_p1 = False
		gamepad.emit(uinput.BTN_X, 0)	
#bt Y =====================

	if (not _bt_y_p1) and (gpio.input(bt_y_p1) == 0):
		_bt_y_p1 = True
		gamepad.emit(uinput.BTN_Y, 1)	
	if (_bt_y_p1) and (gpio.input(bt_y_p1) == 1):
		_bt_y_p1 = False
		gamepad.emit(uinput.BTN_Y, 0)	

#bt C =====================

	if (not _bt_c_p1) and (gpio.input(bt_c_p1) == 0):
		_bt_c_p1 = True
		gamepad.emit(uinput.BTN_C, 1)	
	if (_bt_c_p1) and (gpio.input(bt_c_p1) == 1):
		_bt_c_p1 = False
		gamepad.emit(uinput.BTN_C, 0)	
#bt Z =====================

	if (not _bt_z_p1) and (gpio.input(bt_z_p1) == 0):
		_bt_z_p1 = True
		gamepad.emit(uinput.BTN_Z, 1)	
	if (_bt_z_p1) and (gpio.input(bt_z_p1) == 1):
		_bt_z_p1 = False
		gamepad.emit(uinput.BTN_Z, 0)	
#bt L =====================
	if (not _bt_l_p1) and (gpio.input(bt_l_p1) == 0):
		_bt_l_p1 = True
		gamepad.emit(uinput.BTN_TL, 1)	
	if (_bt_l_p1) and (gpio.input(bt_l_p1) == 1):
		_bt_l_p1 = False
		gamepad.emit(uinput.BTN_TL, 0)	
#bt R =====================
	if (not _bt_r_p1) and (gpio.input(bt_r_p1) == 0):
		_bt_r_p1 = True
		gamepad.emit(uinput.BTN_TR, 1)	
	if (_bt_r_p1) and (gpio.input(bt_r_p1) == 1):
		_bt_r_p1 = False
		gamepad.emit(uinput.BTN_TR, 0)
#bt select =====================
	if (not _bt_select_p1) and (gpio.input(bt_select_p1) == 0):
		_bt_select_p1 = True
		gamepad.emit(uinput.BTN_SELECT, 1)	
	if (_bt_select_p1) and (gpio.input(bt_select_p1) == 1):
		_bt_select_p1 = False
		gamepad.emit(uinput.BTN_SELECT, 0)	
#bt start =====================
	if (not _bt_start_p1) and (gpio.input(bt_start_p1) == 0):
		_bt_start_p1 = True
		gamepad.emit(uinput.BTN_START, 1)	
	if (_bt_start_p1) and (gpio.input(bt_start_p1) == 1):
		_bt_start_p1 = False
		gamepad.emit(uinput.BTN_START, 0)
#bt L2 =====================
	if (not _bt_left_trigger_p1) and (gpio.input(bt_left_trigger_p1) == 0):
		_bt_left_trigger_p1 = True
		gamepad.emit(uinput.BTN_TL2, 1)	
	if (_bt_left_trigger_p1) and (gpio.input(bt_left_trigger_p1) == 1):
		_bt_left_trigger_p1 = False
		gamepad.emit(uinput.BTN_TL2, 0)	
#bt R2 =====================
	if (not _bt_right_trigger_p1) and (gpio.input(bt_right_trigger_p1) == 0):
		_bt_right_trigger_p1 = True
		gamepad.emit(uinput.BTN_TR2, 1)	
	if (_bt_right_trigger_p1) and (gpio.input(bt_right_trigger_p1) == 1):
		_bt_right_trigger_p1 = False
		gamepad.emit(uinput.BTN_TR2, 0)	
#joystick =====================

	f3scale=open("/sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:device0/in_voltage3_scale", "r")
	f4scale=open("/sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:device0/in_voltage4_scale", "r")
	f3raw=open("/sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:device0/in_voltage3_raw", "r")
	f4raw=open("/sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:device0/in_voltage4_raw", "r")
	joystick_LR = int(int(f3raw.read())*float(f3scale.read()))
	joystick_UD = int(int(f4raw.read())*float(f4scale.read()))

	if (joystick_LR > (VREF/2 + DZONE)) or (joystick_LR < (VREF/2 - DZONE)):
		if (joystick_LR > VREF):
			if (joystick_LR < JOYOFFVAL):
				gamepad.emit(uinput.ABS_X, 0 ) 
			gamepad.emit(uinput.ABS_X, VREF - joystick_LR ) 
	else:#Center the sticks if within deadzone
		gamepad.emit(uinput.ABS_X, VREF/2)
	if (joystick_UD > (VREF/2 + DZONE)) or (joystick_UD < (VREF/2 - DZONE)):
		if (joystick_UD > VREF):
			if (joystick_UD < JOYOFFVAL):
				gamepad.emit(uinput.ABS_Y, VREF ) 
			gamepad.emit(uinput.ABS_Y, joystick_UD )
	else:#Center the sticks if within deadzone
		gamepad.emit(uinput.ABS_Y, VREF/2)
We'll fix that in next update of retrorangepi
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Joined: Sun 5 Jul 2020 20:51

Re: Optional buttons C and Z activation

Post by BinaryCodex »

Quick note on this. When you uncomment those lines, it may scramble your mappings a little. You just need to remap after you find the correct button for start. (It ended up getting mapped to R2 for me.)
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