Power off during emulation,

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Power off during emulation,

Post by Ryletticraft »

I got my Raspiboy yesterday!!

It went together with no issues and at 0530 this morning I threw on the only Rom I could find on my PC.

(Pokemon leaf green not that it should matter,)

Sound was a bit choppy but that's normal for emulators on the GBA. Can probably fix.

I saved the game and it seemed to work, but ohh no, how do I turn it off? I can't seem to get out of the simulator software to power off the Pi?

Eventually I had to power off the raspiboard and turn it on again so I could turn off the Pi. But this doesn't seem ideal, AT ALL :(

The save game doesn't seem to have worked either... But that might have been a shutdown issue?

How can I safely close the emulation software on the go so I can power off?
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Re: Power off during emulation,

Post by Pietze »

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